Reclaim your (seasoned) voice

"It's frustrating to have so much to offer, yet feel like no one is listening." Sound familiar?

This sentiment is something I hear with some of my more seasoned coaching clients - and they are definitely not alone. It can be disheartening to feel undervalued or overlooked, but there are steps you can take to reclaim your seasoned voice and make sure your insights are heard and appreciated. In this blog, I share some ideas to help you get back to being seen AND heard.

Self-awareness: Begin by reflecting on your own strengths, expertise, and the unique perspective you bring to the table. Understand what makes your voice valuable and distinct. This self-awareness will help you build confidence in your contributions.

Clear communication: Communicate your thoughts, ideas, and expertise clearly and concisely. Practice articulating your insights in a way that is accessible to others, avoiding jargon or overly technical language when it's not necessary.  

Find your audience: Sometimes we are simply in the wrong room! Identify the people or groups who would benefit most from your seasoned voice. Seek out opportunities to engage with them, whether through networking events, industry conferences, online forums, or social media platforms. Build relationships with those who are likely to appreciate and value your perspective. 

Create content: Find avenues to share your knowledge and insights through writing, speaking engagements, or content creation. Starting a blog, writing articles, or giving presentations can help you reach a wider audience and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

Mentorship and collaboration: Don't hesitate to mentor or collaborate with others, especially those who are early in their careers. Sharing your knowledge and experiences can be incredibly rewarding, and it can also increase your visibility and influence within your industry.

Be persistent: Building a reputation and reclaiming your seasoned voice takes time and persistence. Don't be discouraged by setbacks or slow progress. Keep refining your approach and staying committed to sharing your knowledge.

Adapt and evolve: The world is constantly changing, and so is your field of expertise. Stay current and adaptable to new trends, technologies, and developments. This will ensure that your seasoned voice remains relevant and valuable. 

Stay open: While it's important to assert yourself and your expertise, it's equally important to remain open to learning from others. A willingness to listen to different perspectives will enhance your credibility. Conversely, If you believe your expertise deserves recognition, be open and willing to put yourself and your expertise forward for awards, speaking opportunities, or industry recognition programs. Often, these platforms can help amplify your voice and reach a broader audience.

Patience and resilience: Reclaiming your seasoned voice may not happen overnight. Be patient with the process and resilient in the face of challenges. Your persistence will pay off as you continue to make your voice heard and valued.

Remember that your seasoned voice has immense value, and it's worth the effort to ensure that others recognise and appreciate it. Keep advocating for yourself and your expertise, and over time, you'll find that more and more people will listen and appreciate what you have to offer.

Want to work with me in 2024? My “A Taste of Brilliance” Discovery Session will help you uncover your Iconic Brilliance™. Why not book a call to see how I can support you? You can book into my calendar here.


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