Creating Consonance

The concept of "consonance" can be a powerful metaphor when applied to the realm of personal development and success. Drawing from the Latin 'consonare', which means "sounding together", consonance speaks to the harmony that arises when things align. In personal terms, it’s not merely the company we keep that influences us, but the values by which we live. These values act as the fundamental frequencies of our lives, and when we express and live by them authentically, we create a harmonic frequency that naturally attracts people, opportunities, experiences, environments, and learnings that enrich our lives and contribute to our success.

Consider your personal "Circle of Five" — the five people with whom you spend the most time. They say you are the average of these five people, but it's essential to delve deeper into the quality of these relationships. Are these individuals consonant with you and your vision for life? Do they resonate with your core values and purpose? The significance of this alignment cannot be understated, for it is the cornerstone of a fulfilling and purpose-driven existence.

When there is consonance in your relationships, there is a synergy that amplifies your own values and aspirations. These people don't just passively occupy space in your life; they actively inspire you to reach greater heights, challenge you to grow, and support you in your journey. They are not mere spectators but participants in the symphony of your life, each playing a note that contributes to the grand harmony of your existence.

But what happens when there is dissonance — when the people around you aren't in harmonic alignment with your true self? The music of your life suffers. You may find yourself out of sync, your values compromised, and your vision for your life clouded. This dissonance can manifest as conflict, dissatisfaction, or a sense that something is fundamentally "off" in your life. It's in these moments that you must take stock of your relationships and consider whether they serve your highest good.

Creating consonance may require making difficult decisions. It might mean distancing yourself from those who create dissonance in your life or who do not share or support your values and aspirations. It is not about casting people aside thoughtlessly, but rather making room for those who are in tune with your authentic self. It's about curating a personal environment that is conducive to your growth and success.

Building a harmonious Circle of Five is an ongoing process, one that involves self-reflection, awareness, and sometimes, change. It means being intentional about who you allow into your life and recognizing the impact they have on your personal growth and success. It requires you to be true to your values and to seek out others who not only share those values but also embolden you to live them fully.

In essence, living in consonance is about creating a life that is in tune with your deepest values and purposes. It's about making sure that every relationship and every opportunity is a note that contributes to the beautiful melody of your life. When you achieve this level of harmony, success is not just an outcome; it is a natural resonance that permeates every aspect of your life.


Reclaim your (seasoned) voice


Seek and Be Sought